What Is NLTest Command

NLTest is a command-line tool that helps system administrators to perform network administrative tasks. This command can be used to get a list of domain controllers in your domain, Force remote shutdown, check the status of trust, check trust relationships and the state of DC, force user account DB to sync, etc.

  • List Domain controllers
  • Remote shutdown
  • Check Trust Relationship Status

Force a user-account database to synchronize on Windows NT version 4.0 or earlier domain controllers

Some examples

Get a list of domain controllers for the domain.

nltest /dclist:abcd.local

Detailed user information 

nltest /user:"DCADMIN"
  • nltest /trusted_domains
  • nltest /dclist:ebugg-i
  • nltest /server:test1 /sc_query:microsoft
  • nltest /server:Computer1 /sc_query:ebugg-i
  • nltest /whowill:ebugg-i john

NLTest Syntax

Usage: nltest [/OPTIONS]

   /SERVER:<ServerName> - Specify <ServerName>

    /QUERY - Query <ServerName> netlogon service
    /REPL - Force partial sync on <ServerName> BDC
    /SYNC - Force full sync on <ServerName> BDC
    /PDC_REPL - Force UAS change message from <ServerName> PDC

    /SC_QUERY:<DomainName> - Query secure channel for <Domain> on <ServerName>
    /SC_RESET:<DomainName>[\<DcName>] - Reset secure channel for <Domain> on <ServerName> to <DcName>
    /SC_VERIFY:<DomainName> - Verify secure channel for <Domain> on <ServerName>
    /SC_CHANGE_PWD:<DomainName> - Change a secure channel  password for <Domain> on <ServerName>
    /DCLIST:<DomainName> - Get list of DC's for <DomainName>
    /DCNAME:<DomainName> - Get the PDC name for <DomainName>
    /DSGETDC:<DomainName> - Call DsGetDcName /PDC /DS /DSP /GC /KDC
    /DNSGETDC:<DomainName> - Call DsGetDcOpen/Next/Close /PDC /GC
    /DSGETFTI:<DomainName> - Call DsGetForestTrustInformation
    /DSGETSITE - Call DsGetSiteName
    /DSGETSITECOV - Call DsGetDcSiteCoverage
    /DSADDRESSTOSITE:[MachineName] - Call DsAddressToSiteNamesEx
    /PARENTDOMAIN - Get the name of the parent domain of this machine
    /WHOWILL:<Domain>* <User> [<Iteration>] - See if <Domain> will log on <User>
    /FINDUSER:<User> - See which trusted domain will log on <User>
    /TRANSPORT_NOTIFY - Notify netlogon of new transport

    /DBFLAG:<HexFlags> - New debug flag

    /USER:<UserName> - Query User info on <ServerName>

    /TIME:<Hex LSL> <Hex MSL> - Convert NT GMT time to ascii
    /LOGON_QUERY - Query number of cumulative logon attempts
    /DOMAIN_TRUSTS - Query domain trusts on <ServerName>
    /DSREGDNS - Force registration of all DC-specific DNS records
    /DSDEREGDNS:<DnsHostName> - Deregister DC-specific DNS records for specified DC
        /DOM:<DnsDomainName> /DOMGUID:<DomainGuid> /DSAGUID:<DsaGuid>
    /DSQUERYDNS - Query the status of the last update for all DC-specific DNS records

    /BDC_QUERY:<DomainName> - Query replication status of BDCs for <DomainName>

    /LIST_DELTAS:<FileName> - display the content of given change log file

    /CDIGEST:<Message> /DOMAIN:<DomainName> - Get client digest
    /SDIGEST:<Message> /RID:<RID in hex> - Get server digest

    /SHUTDOWN:<Reason> [<Seconds>] - Shutdown <ServerName> for <Reason>
    /SHUTDOWN_ABORT - Abort a system shutdown