Error Message:  XBOX Unknown Available  

Hello there! I have just bought my Xbox live game pass. I tried to install my first game within the Xbox live app. The sad part is that it doesn’t give me the chance to choose an installation drive. All that I get is “unknown available” and the change button does nothing.
I have been trying this for ages but nothing has still changed. Can anyone kindly help me here?
Thank you very much and I look forward to getting good help and solutions.

Read: How to fix Xbox Black Screen of Death?

Solution: XBOX Unknown Available

Run PowerShell as Administrator and run the following command or just copy this command given below ->paste it in PowerShell and press enter key.

get-appxpackage Microsoft.GamingServices | remove-AppxPackage -allusers
Open Windows Power Shell
Open Windows Power Shell
Solution : XBOX Unknown Available
Solution: XBOX Unknown Available

Command explanation:

What is get-appxpackage cmdlet?

The Get-AppxPackage cmdlet gets a list of the app packages that are installed in a user profile. An app package has an .msix or .appx file name extension.

What is remove-appxPackages cmdlet?

The Remove-AppxPackage cmdlet removes a given app package from all user accounts

Restart your computer and check whether the issue is resolved.

Option 2

Open Registry Editor



Restart your computer and check whether the issue is resolved.

Option 3

Go to your Windows Store -> 3-dot-menu -> Downloads and Updates -> Check updates

Gaming Services should install now without issue

Restart your computer and check whether the issue is resolved.

How to Change XBOX’s New App Storage Location ?

One of the most common issues you may face is the low disk space in the Windows C drive. This low disk space may raise XBOX Game App installation errors. You can change the default new app storage drive and choose an alternative storage driver – follow the procedure given below.

  1. Open to Windows Settings-> Select System menu -> Then select “Storage” menu from the left pane.
  2. Scroll down and click “Change where new content is saved
XBOX Change Storage Location - Change where the new content is saved
XBOX Change Storage Location – Change where the new content is saved

“Change where new content is saved” window will appear. Here you can see several options, Click “New apps will save to:” drop down menu and select the new storage drive where you want to save new games. Done, now new apps will be saved to the drive you chose. Additionally, You can run the Windows disk cleanup tool to free up space in the C drive.

XBOX Change where new content is saved – Select new storage drive from “New App will save to” drop down menu