Excel is a powerful tool for managing and analyzing data. With its various functions and formulas, Excel can help you perform complex calculations, automate tasks, and visualize data. In this article, we have compiled a list of the 100 most useful Excel formulas, along with examples on 20 tables, ordered in the most useful way.

Table 1: Basic Arithmetic Formulas

Serial NumberFormulaUnique SEO-optimized descriptionExampleUse Case Examples
1SUMAdds up a range of numbers=SUM(A2:A6)Calculating the total sales of a product
2AVERAGECalculates the average of a range of numbers=AVERAGE(B2:B6)Finding the average score of students
3MINFinds the minimum value in a range of numbers=MIN(C2:C6)Finding the smallest number in a data set
4MAXFinds the maximum value in a range of numbers=MAX(D2:D6)Finding the largest number in a data set
5COUNTCounts the number of cells in a range that contain numbers=COUNT(E2:E6)Counting the number of products sold

Table 2: Text Formulas

Serial NumberFormulaUnique SEO-optimized descriptionExampleUse Case Examples
6CONCATENATECombines two or more text strings into one=CONCATENATE(F2,” “,G2)Joining first and last name
7LEFTExtracts a specified number of characters from the left side of a text string=LEFT(H2,3)Getting the first three characters of a product code
8RIGHTExtracts a specified number of characters from the right side of a text string=RIGHT(I2,3)Getting the last three characters of a product code
9MIDExtracts a specified number of characters from the middle of a text string=MID(J2,2,3)Extracting characters from the middle of a product code
10LENCalculates the length of a text string=LEN(K2)Finding the length of a product name

Table 3: Date and Time Formulas

Serial NumberFormulaUnique SEO-optimized descriptionExampleUse Case Examples
11TODAYReturns the current date=TODAY()Keeping track of project deadlines
12NOWReturns the current date and time=NOW()Timestamping entries in a log
13DATECreates a date from year, month, and day values=DATE(2023,3,15)Entering a specific date
14YEARExtracts the year from a date=YEAR(M2)Finding the year of a transaction date
15MONTHExtracts the month from a date=MONTH(N2)Finding the month of a transaction date

Table 4: Logical Formulas

Serial NumberFormulaUnique SEO-optimized descriptionExampleUse Case Examples
16IFTests a condition and returns one value if the condition is true and another value if the condition is false=IF(O2>50,”Pass”,”Fail”)Determining whether a student passed or failed
17ANDTests multiple conditions and returns true if all conditions are true=AND(P2>20,Q2<30)Checking if two conditions are true
18ORTests multiple conditions and returns true if at least one condition is true=OR(R2=”Yes”,S2=”Yes”)Checking if at least one of two conditions is true

Table 5: Lookup and Reference Formulas

Serial NumberFormulaUnique SEO-optimized descriptionExampleUse Case Examples
21VLOOKUPSearches for a value in the first column of a table and returns a value in the same row from a specified column=VLOOKUP(W2,X2:Y6,2,FALSE)Looking up a product price based on its code
22HLOOKUPSearches for a value in the first row of a table and returns a value in the same column from a specified row=HLOOKUP(Z2,A2:F3,2,FALSE)Looking up a student’s score based on their name
23INDEXReturns a value from a specified position in an array or table=INDEX(A2:A6,4)Retrieving the fourth value in a list
24MATCHSearches for a value in an array or table and returns its position=MATCH(B2,A2:A6,0)Finding the position of a value in a list
25OFFSETReturns a range of cells that is a specified number of rows and columns away from a starting cell=OFFSET(C2,1,1)Selecting a range of cells that is one row and one column away from a starting cell

Table 6: Math and Trigonometry Formulas

Serial NumberFormulaUnique SEO-optimized descriptionExampleUse Case Examples
26ROUNDRounds a number to a specified number of digits=ROUND(D2,2)Rounding a price to two decimal places
27CEILINGRounds a number up to the nearest multiple of a specified value=CEILING(E2,5)Rounding up a quantity to the nearest 5
28FLOORRounds a number down to the nearest multiple of a specified value=FLOOR(F2,10)Rounding down a time to the nearest 10 minutes
29ABSReturns the absolute value of a number=ABS(G2)Finding the distance between two values
30SQRTReturns the square root of a number=SQRT(H2)Calculating the length of a side of a square

Table 7: Statistical Formulas

Serial NumberFormulaUnique SEO-optimized descriptionExampleUse Case Examples
31STDEVCalculates the standard deviation of a range of numbers=STDEV(I2:I6)Measuring the variability of a data set
32MEDIANCalculates the median value in a range of numbers=MEDIAN(J2:J6)Finding the middle value of a data set
33MODECalculates the mode value in a range of numbers=MODE(K2:K6)Finding the most common value in a data set
34QUARTILECalculates the quartile values in a range of numbers=QUARTILE(L2:L6,2)Finding the second quartile value of a data set
35PERCENTILECalculates the percentile rank of a value in a range of numbers=PERCENTILE(M2:M6,80)Finding the 80th percentile rank of a data set

Table 8: Financial Formulas

Serial NumberFormulaUnique SEO-optimized descriptionExampleUse Case Examples
36PMTCalculates the payment for a loan based on constant payments and a constant interest rate=PMT(N2/12,O2*12,-P2)Calculating monthly payments for a loan
37PVCalculates the present value of an investment based on a constant interest rate and a constant payment=PV(Q2/12,R2*12,-S2)Determining the present value of a retirement fund
38FVCalculates the future value of an investment based on a constant interest rate and a constant payment=FV(T2/12,U2*12,-V2)Estimating the future value of a savings plan
39NPVCalculates the net present value of an investment based on a series of cash flows and a constant interest rate=NPV(W2,X2:Y6)Evaluating the profitability of a business project
40IRRCalculates the internal rate of return of an investment based on a series of cash flows=IRR(Z2:Z6)Measuring the profitability of an investment opportunity

Table 9: Engineering Formulas

Serial NumberFormulaUnique SEO-optimized descriptionExampleUse Case Examples
41CONVERTConverts a measurement from one unit to another=CONVERT(AA2,”m”,”ft”)Converting meters to feet
42POWERRaises a number to a specified power=POWER(AB2,2)Squaring a number
43PRODUCTMultiplies a range of numbers together=PRODUCT(AC2:AC6)Calculating the total cost of multiple items
44SUMIFAdds up a range of numbers based on a specified condition=SUMIF(AD2:AD6,”Yes”,AE2:AE6)Calculating the total revenue from products that are in stock
45AVERAGEIFCalculates the average of a range of numbers based on a specified condition=AVERAGEIF(AF2:AF6,”>50″,AG2:AG6)Finding the average score of students who scored more than 50

Table 10: Array Formulas

Serial NumberFormulaUnique SEO-optimized descriptionExampleUse Case Examples
46ARRAYPerforms a calculation on a range of cells or an array of cells{=SUM(AH2:AH6)}Calculating the sum of a range of cells using an array formula
47TRANSPOSETransposes a range of cells or an array of cells=TRANSPOSE(AI2:AJ3)Flipping the orientation of a table
48FREQUENCYCalculates the frequency distribution of a range of values=FREQUENCY(AK2:AK6,AL2:AL5)Creating a histogram of test scores
49MMULTCalculates the matrix product of two arrays=MMULT(AM2:AO4,AP2:AQ4)Performing matrix multiplication
50SUMPRODUCTMultiplies corresponding values in two or more arrays and returns the sum of the products=SUMPRODUCT(AR2:AS6,AT2:AT6)Calculating the total revenue from a product line