WinGet Windows Package manager

You can use Winget a command-line package manager to install or uninstall any software on Windows 11/10 without having to download the installation file.

How to list all applications installed on Windows 10/11?

Open command prompt as administrator and execute the following command

winget list
List all installed applications
List all installed applications

How to export or save the list of applications installed on Windows OS?

You can use winget command to export a list of packages installed on your computer from the command line.

winget export -o <path to save file>

or just use

Winget list >> <path to save file>
Windows package Manager
Windows Package Manager

How to install a package from the Windows command prompt?

You can use Winget command line Windows Package manager to install applications/packages in Windows 10/11

Command Syntax

winget install <package name>
Install Youtube Music from command prompt
Install Youtube Music from the command prompt

How to uninstall a package from the Windows command prompt?

winget install <package name>
Uninstall application from command prompt
Uninstall the application from the command prompt

WinGet – Window Package Manager Syntax

Command to install a packagewinget install <Package name>
Command to display information about a packagewinget show <package name>
Command to manage sources of packageswinget source list
Command to list sources of packageswinget source list
Command to add a source of the packagewinget source add -n
Command to remove the source of the packagewinget source remove -n
Command to reset source of the packagewinget source reset
Command to update current sourceswinget source update
Comand to upgrade a packagewinget upgrade <package name>
Comand to uninstall a packagewinget uninstall <package name>
Command to get basic info of packageswinget search <package name>