Windows 10 may not show WiFi options / WiFi network if the driver is corrupted or sometimes it could be related to a Windows service.

Network Troubleshooting Tool

Now Windows 10 have a built-in “Network troubleshooter” tool which can fix most of the problems you are facing.

  1. Click Start Menu and select “Settings
  2. Click “Network and Internet
Windows 10 – Network & Internet

3. Scroll down and select “Network Troubleshooter

Windows 10 – Network Troubleshooting Tool

Network Diagnostic tool will open and will troubleshoot issues in a guided manner.

Windows 10 – Windows Network Diagnostics

Follow the next step if the issue is not rectified.

Missing or corrupted WiFi adapter driver

Driver issues can prevent Windows to detect and communicate with the WiFi adapter properly. A recent system change or a software change may have corrupted WiFi card driver. You can fix this issue by updating or reinstalling the driver of your WiFi network card. You need to connect to the internet using a network cable for updating the driver or you can download the correct driver from Laptops/PCs manufacturer website, then copy it to the system which you want to update the driver. See the video given below to learn how to fix driver issues.

Windows WLAN AutoConfig Service

Misconfigured WLAN service could be the culprit of WiFi option not showing issue. See this video to learn how to reconfiguring WLAN AutoConfig Service and it explains several other methods to resolve this issue.