A lot of people know about Windows Recovery Disk but don’t really know how to create this disk and why this disk is important. Today, we will talk about two easy and proven methods to create Windows recovery Disk to help back up your data.

What is Windows 10 Recovery Disk or Windows 10 USB Recovery Drive?

Windows Recovery disk and Windows Recovery USB drive are basically the same things. A recovery disk is created to back up the files in your system in a safe place from where you can restore the data, in case you lost your system memory. The most common issue, Windows Users faced while using windows is “Windows won’t boot” and there is a high chance that you will lose your data. The ultimate solution to this problem is having a recovery disk already in your hand.

If you created Windows 10 recovery disk or USB drive beforehand, it will help you to boot your troubling PC, restoring data and important files.

Sometimes, the computer system doesn’t boot from USB, and a recovery disk here can help your system to boot properly, backup, and restore your system files. At other times, our system falls prey to culprits like viruses and system crashes which stop the normal functioning of the system making your stored data vulnerable to viral threats. In these types of cases, Windows Recovery disk can prove very helpful.

Method# 1: Create Windows Recovery Disk With Recovery Media Creator

Among the diverse list of Microsoft Windows Tools, one is known as Windows 10 Recovery Tool. This means you can create a Windows recovery disk/USB with the in-built tool. And this is the easiest and reliable method to do so.  You will need a Flash Drive of 16 GB capacity, in this process. Also, make sure that it is empty otherwise all the data on the USB drive will be deleted in the creation of the Recovery disk. Now let’s get to the process of creation. Follow the steps here to achieve correct end results:

  1. Turn on the computer and get your USB drive (must be formatted).
  2. Connect the USB drive to your computer. Always make sure that the connection is successful otherwise recovery disk will not be created.
  3. Go to the search box and type “Recovery drive”. From many options open up, as a result, select the “Create a recovery drive” option.

In the new window open up, select the option “Backup system files to the recovery drive”. Then click on the “Next” button. (image 1)

  1. Click the disk or USB name that you attached for recovery disk creation and then click on the “Next” option to proceed. (image 2)
  2. A new dialog box will open up. Here, click on the “create” option to start the creation of a recovery drive. (image 3)
  3. At the end of the process, an option of “Delete the recovery partition from my PC” will pop up. It is recommended to delete it from the hard drive or else it will take a lot of space in the drive. By clicking delete, you will get some free space in your computer.
  • How to create windows Recovery disk
  • How to create Windows Recovery disk
  • How To create Windows Recovery disk

Now, whenever, in the future, your computer fails to boot up your system, plug in the USB drive with Windows 10 Recovery disk to restore your Windows 10 to the new hard drive. You may need to change the boot order in BIOS to boot your system from a USB drive. Carefully follow the on-screen guide to finishing the restoration process completely. With this in-built Windows 10 recovery drive tool, you will have all your data/files backup and stored.

Method# 2: Create Windows 10 USB Recovery Drive with an AOMEI backupper

The previous method was to create a Windows disk by utilizing the Windows in-built tools. Now a third-party software can also be used to create a Windows recovery disk to backup your data. AOMEI Backupper is a recovery tool or also called Recovery Media Creator. It is known to create bootable content using a CD/DVD or USB drive.

The best thing about AOMEI Backupper is that you can still backup your data even if you don’t have your USB or CD/DVD. The AOMEI Backupper recovery environment allows you to backup your data the same as the recovery disk. This recovery environment allows you to restore the system to its previous state. Follow the steps here to install this recovery tool and create a backup of your data.

  • Download the AOMEI Backupper and install it.

Free Download the AOMEI Software

  1. Connect the USB drive to your computer.
  2. On the main screen of the software, click on the option of Tools.
  3. In the tools section, click on Create Bootable Media.
  4. A new window will open up. From here, select the bootable disc type from Linux-based or Windows PE-based. Then click Next. I would recommend going for Windows PE-based disc to get multiple functions.
  5. Now, You would have to choose “PE boot mode”. There are two options available “Create legacy bootable disc” or “Create UEFI bootable disc”. Choose as per your requirement.
  6. The last step is to select “CD/DVD” or “USB drive” to create a bootable recovery drive. Then click on “Next” to start the procedure.
  • how to create Windows Recovery disk via AOMEI software
  • how to create Windows Recovery disk via AOMEI software
  • how to create Windows Recovery disk via AOMEI software
  • Export ISO File

Frequently Asked Questions About Windows Recovery Disk

What is the main purpose of Windows Recovery Drive?

Windows Recovery Drive helps you boot your PC system. Also, it allows access to other troubleshooting and recovery tools to revive your falling Windows 10.

What issues Windows Recovery drive can solve?

  • It can boot Your PC.
  • Back up and Restore your System Files.
  • Give you access to multiple other useful Windows Troubleshooting and recovery tools.

What does a Windows Recovery Disk or Drive save?

A recovery disk or drive basically stores your Windows 10 environment, settings, and system files separately in a DVD/CD or USB drive. So, if in any case, your Windows is falling, you can restore your data from the drive or disk.

So, by following these easy steps you can create your own Windows 10 USB Recovery disk/drive and restore your data, whenever required. Comment below any queries you have in your mind.